ESG: Untangling the riddle wrapped in a mystery hidden inside an acronym

Environmental. Social. Governance. Three little words that present our world with a big issue, for reasons ranging from the oblique to the obvious.

However you package it, ESG is not necessarily well understood let along practiced. But alongside the challenges come opportunities. What precisely is the problem that ESG presents marketers, and how can branding and marketing be part of the solution?

That was the topic discussed at this year's Mumbrella Finance Marketing Summit as part of a panel discussion moderated by FutureBrand Australia’s Head of Strategy, Victoria Berry, and featuring business leaders from across the spectrum, spanning from local to global, and B2B to B2C:

  • Karina Keisler, Interim EGM Public Affairs & Marketing, Golf Australia

  • Rob Warren, Chief Financial & Risk Officer, Open Money Group

  • Vanessa Liell, Partner & Co-Founder, Orizontas

What strikes me is how many parallels there are between ESG and the way branding has evolved over the past few decades. From what was once a discreet initiative that sat to the side of the core businesses strategy to what is now a fully-integrated platform for product, service and everyday experience delivery – there's a whole lot ESG can learn as it continues to grow and evolve.

Victoria Berry – Head of Strategy, FutureBrand Australia

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